Ecotourism Australia defines Ecotourism as “ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation”.

Ecotourism aims to preserve the integrity of the destination. Its focus is on conserving the local environment and historical heritage, while supporting the culture and encouraging people to look after the natural resources that attracts them to the region.

Is Region X an Ecotourism Operator?

Yes we certainly are, but its not enough to say it, we need to demonstrate by some of our actions. Here are a few reasons why we are a leading Ecotourism operator:

  1. The mode of transport we use on our tours: A Kayak, its human powered (which means no emissions) They are produced using 100% recyclable materials, They have a long life and capable of showing thousands of travellers this amazing place. We also run cycling tours – for the same reasons as kayaks, they are a great eco friendly travel decision!
  2. Our office is powered by 100% renewable energy thanks to the installation of Solar Power in 2013
  3. We use Environmental Risk Management tools to assess the potential environmental risks associated with our activities and create procedures to eliminate or reduce the impact on the environment.
  4. We report to relevant agencies about the state of the areas we visit, erosion, illegal activity, animal sightings, debris, water quality to encourage environmental improvements
  5. Encouraging customer awareness – During tours we promote and participate in activities to encourage understanding and protection of the environment such as the Take 3 initiative
  6. We encourage the local community to participate in Clean up Australia Day activities by Supervising two local estuary sites and running FREE kayak tours into these areas to clean up, as well as partnering with our Local Council to run multiple estuary clean ups throughout the year.
  7. Our staff are trained on interpretation of natural and cultural significance in our area and love what we do
Clean up Australia Day

Clean up Australia Day


Many tourists are looking to travel to pristine and aesthetically pleasing locations to experience something new and beautiful. Unfortunately, it is usually these environments that are the most fragile and susceptible to outside influences/impacts. To ensure these amazing regions are preserved for the future, travelers must do their part in their protection.

Ecotourism operations promote sustainable travel that benefits local communities, culture, and heritage and minimise impacts on the environment. It is not driven by economic gains but focuses on educating tourists on travelling green. Providing accommodation that restricts mass tourism in sensitive environments ensures that the natural regeneration rate of the environmental asset is not compromised and ensures the longevity of the resource. By opting for an ecotourism experience/holiday over a conventional tourism package you are making a conscious decision to reduce your impact. This can be personally rewarding and travelers who choose ecotourism are responsible consumers.

Ecotourists are seeking to minimize the carbon footprint of their travel, traveling with climate in mind by planning wisely and choosing consciously. They also seek to experience authentic and educational tours that give them the opportunity to give back to the communities they visit. If you are a conscious traveler who shares these values then become an ecotourist today! By booking an ecotour or staying in a ecolodge you will be surrounded by likeminded people, have access to well managed and pristine environments and experience a truly unique experience/holiday.