The Respecting Our Culture (ROC) program encourages the tourism industry to operate in ways that respect and reinforce Indigenous cultural heritage and the living cultures of Indigenous communities.

ROC certified tourism operators are committed to protecting cultural authenticity and integrity, developing sound business practices, environmental protection and acknowledging Indigenous peoples spiritual connection to the land and water.

Region X are proud to have been rigorously tested by the Eco Tourism Australia network to become an ROC Certified businesses, committed to protecting cultural authenticity and integrity, developing sound business practices, environmental protection and acknowledging Indigenous peoples spiritual connection to the land and water.

What are the benefits to our Guests?

The South Coast of NSW is Yuin Country, the area has significant Indigenous History, we want to deliver as much learning as possible to our guests as part of their experience here. We feel a strong connection to the land, its our work and life, as do the Indigenous people.

When you join a Region X Tour – Notably the Glass Bottom Kayak Tour in Cullendulla, we aim to demonstrate respect and inclusion of Indigenous culture and heritage by:

The information collected to deliver on our tours forms part of our business policy, our staff are trained and passionate about the subject matter.

We gather the info by talking to local elders from the Local Walbunja tribe, part of the Yuin Nation, years of hearing stories from Indigenous people and research.

Origins of ROC

The ROC program is a tourism industry development tool designed by Aboriginal Tourism Australia (ATA) and administered by Ecotourism Australia. It was produced through an ongoing national consultation by ATA with Indigenous communities, industry stakeholders and tourism operators.

ROC embraces national accreditation standards, making sure tourism experiences meet customer expectations in a professional and sustainable way. It also encourages the industry to operate with respect for Indigenous cultural heritage.

You can find out more about it here : http://www.ecotourism.org.au/our-certification-programs/eco-certification-4/