Tour operators live and breathe the outdoors!

News broke yesterday of a QLD tour operator that freed a tangled Whale from rope that wrapped around the majestic creature!

The kayak tour group were paddling around off Rainbow beach (Queensland Australia) when a giant Humpback Whale came in for what appeared to be a closer look. Tour trip leader and business operator Tyron Van Santen noticed the creature was in-fact tangled with rope. It appears the giant was infact asking the tour group for help!!

You can imagine what happened next – you got it, the trip leader jumped in and worked the free the creature from its deadly scenario.

A great demonstration of how intelligent these creatures are and what a cool experience for the guest on tour!!

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]PLACE_LINK_HERE[/youtube]


Region X run guided Whale watching tours from sea kayaks in 3 popular locations up and down the #unspoilt South Coast of NSW. For more details on Whale Sea Kayak Adventures click here.