The most common question we get from most customers is “What should we wear?”
We suggest for all our kayak tours that you need to imagine you are going for a walk on the beach and dress for the forecast of the day. We find our customers are most comfortable in shorts, shirt (long sleeves for the sun is best), suncream, hats and sunglasses (polarised work well!). We also recommend that drinking water is a must to bring with you as after a bit of paddling effort you will get thirsty. A warm top, like a fleet jumper is great on a cooler day, or a beanie can help too on winter outings.
Its best to have some type of footwear like thongs, sandals, water shoes or old joggers.
You will also be wise to have a change of clothes in the car, while you will stay quite dry, you may have a damp sleeve or foot.
The kayak have plenty of storage room and we swim on some of the tours so bring a towel, goggles, extra suncream, and even a camera if its waterproof.
We also get asked what payment methods do we accept?
We take payment via credit cards online as well as credit card, eftpos or cash onsite at the departure locations.
While most departure locations do have bathrooms, there is one particular one that does not. Of course the kayaks have no onboard toilet facility!!
Thats about it, you can always phone or email if you are concerned about other bits !
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Eco tourism and experience provider based on the NSW South Coast. Nothing will inspire you more then the coastal nature we offer on display.
PHONE: 1300 001 060
The MCJ experiences are offered by Region X Pty Ltd as Eco Pass holder with the NSW NPWS.